This show has grown in size over recent years and is very well ran by Fred and Jan Rowlett from Rowlett Productions and Laser Sharp Fitness based in Kansas. There is talk of this show turning to a Pro-Qualifier next year.
Team SUF had one competitor, Corbin Dewitt, competing in a tough Men’s Physique class. There were 10 competitors and the Top 5 were easy to spot from the initial line-up. Corbin was put front and center for a short time early on, though moved to the side towards the end of line judging. His posing was a bar above the rest of the class, which I felt really helped his stage presence and final placement-which the judges must have agreed because in the end we took home a great finish at 2nd overall, 2nd in Mr. Oklahoma and the Best Poser Award.
Team SUF is looking forward to honing in on a few areas in Corbin’s training over the next year to bring an even better complete package to stage and hopefully snagging that Pro-Card Win!
Ryan Sullivan and I are very proud of Team SUF member, Corbin, and can’t wait to see where his future will go in Men’s Physique-only up from here!
Liz Jackson
Team Sci-Unison Fitness
1. Corbin Dewitt – 2nd Place Overall / 2nd Place Mr. Oklahoma / Best Poser Award.